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What Are the ISO 9001 Standards?

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What Are The ISO 9001 Standards?

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The ISO 9001 is an international standard that sets out certain requirements for quality management systems (QMS). We use this standard to demonstrate our abilities when it comes to providing products that meet certain requirements. A QMS is a system that documents the procedures, processes, and specific responsibilities that are required to uphold and meet any relevant quality objectives and policies.

Upholding and meeting these ISO 9001 specifications demonstrates our ability to provide products that both satisfy our customers and meet relevant regulatory requirements. Implementing a QMS aims to enhance customer satisfaction, which is something that’s vital to us here at Vision Lighting.

That all sounds well and good but, as a customer, you’re probably wondering how we put this ISO 9001 rating into practice, and what it means for you. Quite simply, it’s what we do to go above and beyond for our customers, to ensure their safety and satisfaction. Here at Vision Lighting, we don’t stop at the bare minimum - take our product development process as an example. During the process of creating a new product, such as our innovative Nanolight in 2017, we conduct thorough research and tests to ensure that our products are not only safe to use, but will stand the test of time. This provides peace of mind and exceptional value for money.

We also go above and beyond by using and creating only the highest quality products. For example, our Nanolight has an IP66 rating - which is the first trough light of its kind in the UK to be awarded this rating. Creating the extraordinary is just what we do here at Vision Lighting. As well as this, our customers can enjoy a lengthy warranty when they buy from us. They can enjoy not one, not two, but five years on their warranty! We’re entirely confident in the quality of our products and their lifespan, but this warranty provides our customers with peace of mind that if they need support for their signage, they’ll get it as soon as possible.

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Vision Lighting Ltd,
Unit 1 Wortley Moor Lane,
West Yorkshire,
LS12 4JD

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